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"The Most-Trusted Roofer in Colorado."
9393 W Colfax Ave, Lakewood, CO 80215
Finished Project: CeDUR Shake Roof
#shakeshingle #cedarshake #cedar #roofing #roofingcontractor #roofer #roof #denver #denverroofer #denverroofing #denverroofclaims
Employee(s) of the Week
This week, the Employee of the Week award is shared by Magarnagle and Callie. Magarnagle and Callie are in charge of the billing...
CeDUR Shake Project Before Pictures
#cedar #shake #shingle #hail #hailhit #cedarshake #shakeshingle #haildamage
CeDUR Shake Shingle
We also install other types of roofing than asphalt shingles In this project we are replacing a roof with CeDUR shingles.
Roof Lasagna
It used to be common practice to just add another layer every time the roof needed to be replaced. This is not the best practice and...
Couch Cushions and Your Roof
If you've ever been around a roof replacement, you might have noticed large pieces of foam around the job site and on the roof. These...
What is a Brittle Test
A Brittle Test can make the difference between getting a new roof and getting denied by your insurance company. On roofs that have...
Employee of the Week
This week the award for Employee of the Week at Caliber Restoration goes to Seamus! Seamus is a 9 year old Cairn Terrier that enjoys...
How to Report a Claim with Insurance
Filing a claim can be an intimidating process, but it doesn't have to be. I'll tell you how in the following steps. 1) Make sure to have...
Claim Reporting Hotlines
We've compiled a list of property insurance providers, links to their claims webpage, and their claim reporting hotline numbers below. ...
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