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Couch Cushions and Your Roof

If you've ever been around a roof replacement, you might have noticed large pieces of foam around the job site and on the roof.

These large pieces of foam are actually the foam inserts from couch cushions and they have an interesting use during a roof replacement.

The roofers use the foam inserts from the couch cushions to give themselves more traction while working on a steep roof.

The foam is a really soft and squishy and when the roofers put their weight on it it compresses and forms to the surface of the shingles. This enables the roofers to stick like glue to steep roofs.

In addition to providing the roofers more traction, the cushions also provide the roofers with a comfortable place to work from, which enables them to work longer and with more focus. This means a better roof for you, the customer.

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