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How to Report a Claim with Insurance

Filing a claim can be an intimidating process, but it doesn't have to be.

I'll tell you how in the following steps.

1) Make sure to have your property inspected by a professional prior to filing a claim. Most roofing/restoration companies provide a free inspection where they look specifically for storm related damage.

2) Once you've determined that there is sufficient damage, call your insurance provider's claim reporting number. A list of them is included here.

3) Provide the claims representative with any pertinent information and answer their questions. How many stories is the roof? Is the house livable? What time did the storm occur? Etc...

4) Don't worry if there are any questions that you don't know the answer to. Right now they are just putting together some brief notes for the adjuster. The adjuster will come to your property and do a thorough inspection anyways so if you don't know what type of roof you have or if your BBQ grill was damaged during the storm, that's ok.

5) Make sure to write down the claim number, the contact information for the adjuster assigned to your claim, and the date and time for the adjuster appointment if there is one yet.

6) Make sure that insurance has current contact information for you and whoever else you want handling the claim. Many of my customers have insurance take down my contact information so that I am notified of the adjuster appointment and included on any emails during the claims process, but that's your decision.

7) Ask any questions you may have. If you're curious what your deductible is, ask. If you are unsure about anything, ask.

8) Pat yourself on the back. You just filed an insurance claim.

The best way to file a claim is to call your insurance provider

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